Sunday, January 31, 2016

#MasterpieceCocktail Week 5

#MasterpieceCocktail is brought to you by my husband, Rob.

Tonight, I am going a little older than the Downton Abbey era for my choice: the Ward 8.  The Ward 8 is a cocktail that was created in Boston in the late 1890s in honor of the election victory of a major player in the Boston political scene at the time.  The drink is named after the election district that historical clinched the election for him.
The Ward 8 calls for bourbon or rye whiskey (a first for me and cocktails), I used Maker's Mark bourbon as opposed to my higher quality Bowman's bourbon (see Week 4 Part 1 post) as I prefer to drink my good whiskey neat.  The rest of the cocktail in fruit juice and grenadine.   A number of garnishes may be called for depending on the recipe, traditionally it includes a maraschino cherry and a mini Massachusetts state flag (sounds kinda silly but I get the idea), I just used a lemon twist.  The Ward 8 overall is very similar to the traditional Whiskey Sour.
Interestingly, many whiskey based cocktails call for some other kind of liquor (often Brandy), whats great about the Ward 8 other Whiskey Sour derived cocktails, is that you don't need any other liquor or uncommon ingredients.
Ward 8
2 oz Bourbon Whiskey
1 oz fresh Lemon Juice
1 oz fresh Orange Juice
1 tbs Grenadine
Grarnish of Juice
Shake with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass with garnish.

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